Stats Page

Birth Details:
Date of birth: February 11, 2006
Time of birth: 10:56 pm
Weight at birth: 8 lbs, 10 oz
Length at birth: 20 in (51 cms)
Circumference of head at birth: 14 in (36 cms)
Number of fingers: 10
Number of toes: 10

Day 2 Checkup:
Weight: 7 lbs, 14 oz

Day 5 Checkup:
Weight: 8 lbs, 8.5 oz

3 1/2 Week Checkup:
Weight: 11 lbs, 4 oz
Length: 22 1/4 in (56.5 cms)
Circumference of head: 15 in (38 cms)
Fingers and toes: Still 10 each!

6 Week Checkup:
Weight: 12 lbs, 13 oz